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Why choose a cutting garden?



Aside from having an endless supply of beautiful flowers, there are plenty of other benefits that can be derived from growing a cutting garden.


Growing flowers makes you feel good, reduces stress and boosts the immune system.


Bought flowers are expensive and often short lived with air miles attached.


The Floral Garden plants are chemical free and provide a vital source of nectar and pollen for native birds, bees and butterflies.


Handpicked, homegrown flowers can be a gorgeous gift for someone as well as opening up a creative opportunity. Learn how to make the most of your cutting garden at one of our floral workshops.

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What are your best options?



Once you have decided that you would like a cutting garden of your own, we will come to your home to discuss your best options:


· Location (sheltered and sunny within easy reach of a water supply)


· Raised beds – reuse existing or install new?


· Soil type – does it need to be amended with topsoil and compost?


· Size – how many buckets of flowers do you want each week?


· Preferred colour schemes – soft pastels or vibrant?


· Cost – what is your budget?


· Timeline – plant out in May or prepare site in winter for Spring planting

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What are your floral preferences?



· prolific annuals that grow the more you pick them (replace annually)

· perennials that offer a long season of picking (come back annually)

· dahlias that flower from July – October 

· foliage with a variety of texture, shape and colour

· flowers/herbs for fragrance


We choose each plant carefully to create the right balance of flowers and foliage and timings are considered to produce a colourful tapestry from June until the first frosts in October.




The starting price for a small cut flower garden in an existing raised bed is approximately £350. (4.8m x 1.2m). This will give you 2-3 buckets of flowers every week.

What’s included:

  •  Initial home site visit

  •  Planting home-grown chemical free seedlings after the last frosts have passed (usually around the first week of May)

  • Providing and installing supports and stakes for plants to grow up

  • Supply of organic pesticides, labels, netting

  • Advice sheets on aftercare of your chosen cutting annuals and dahlias

  • Follow-up service and aftercare advice


Whilst the Floral Garden Team would like to create cutting gardens all over the country, we will travel within a 15 miles radius of Haslemere, and those further afield can contact us for a remote consultancy service. 

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